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kpl > 16.03.2014, 13:22:12
lingucat > 16.03.2014, 21:26:29
(16.03.2014, 13:22:12)kpl schrieb: Also nehme ich an:
ESAP = intrafachlicher Wortschatz
EGAP = interfachlicher Wortschatz
Geht das in die richtige Richtung? Gibt's 'ne allgemein gültige Definition für EGAP/ESAP?
Könnte man sagen, es handelt sich um eine vertikale Gliederung innerhalb EAP?
Wie könnten die einzelnen Abstraktionsstufen (ich denke da an Hoffmann) aussehen?
Zitat:Various study skills require different levels of language proficiency. Study skills that require a comparatively large number of productive skills need relatively more language competence as opposed to those that require fewer productive skills. For example, a writing task may demand a more integrated language proficiency in listening, reading and writing on the part of the student than a task for library referencing. EGAP isolates the skills associated with study activities such as listening to lectures and participating in seminars and tutorials, and teaches the skills that are common to all disciplines. ESAP integrates the skills work of EG AP with help for students in their actual subject tasks. The difference is that ESAP courses focus on the actual tasks that students have to carry out while EGAP courses select more general contexts (Dudley-Evans & St John, 1998).(Hervorhebungen von mir)
kpl > 28.03.2014, 02:57:23