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japanesegirl > 01.02.2020, 17:51:07
a.Mary forgot that John was happy that Sue had the opportunity to participate in the race. b.It is significant that John failed to remember to straighten the tablecloth.
c.If they managed to open the entrance to the cave again, they had shelter for the night. ambiguous d.It doesn’t bother Mary that John criticized Bill for writing the letter.
e.Mary regretted that John didn’t have the sense to shorten the rope.
könnt ihr mir helfen diese einzuordnen je nachentailment, presupposition, or Gricean implicature und wieso.
Factives Implicatives
japanesegirl > 01.02.2020, 17:58:19
Hallo noch eine kleine Frage
a. A full investigation revealed thatthe company’s CEO was stealing money. b. Jeremy was afraid to go skiing for the first time. c. Morgan made an attempt to solve the riddle.
d. Masha’s boss took credit for her work on the project. e. Remy took the opportunity tofinish his short story. f. Nima was lucky toget a ticket to the concert.
g. It is strange thatno one came to school today.
h. Tammo happened tobe in Boston on the day of the marathon.
sind diese Sätze factive, implicative oder keins vom beiden ?
Administrator schrieb 03.02.2020, 11:00:19: Aus 2 Threads 1 gemacht
RE: Implication
Team > 04.02.2020, 06:09:23
Klar können wir dir helfen, aber wir machen nicht deine Hausaufgaben. Beschreibe doch einmal dein Problem, bzw. wo du nicht weiter kommst oder welche Vermutungen du hast.